2019 HOA Board of Director Elections

Meet Your Candidates!

As a property owner, one of easiest and most critical ways to preserve your investment - and help increase the value of your community - is to please remember to vote for members of your NCT#3 HOA Board of Directors.
The current board members have held those positions far too long, many of them for decades!
It’s time for fresh ideas, brighter minds and different eyes to examine where our languishing board has let us down.
Your Homeowner's Association will be electing five (5) Directors to the Board on Thursday, September 26, 2019Three Directors will hold a two-year term and two Directors will hold a one-year term.
Here are your new Board of Director hopefuls ... candidates who've stepped forward and need your vote.
Donna Siemsen - Has 30+ years of experience in the pharmaceutical, insurance and tech industries. In addition, Donna has years of administration experience organizing events for both her employer and her church. Looks forward to serving our residents in a director position in the hopes of improving the quality of life for our neighborhood residents and improving our property values. A lover of music, Donna's hobby is singing and making music videos for weddings and funerals.
Masood Ahmed - With an MS in Engineering and an MBA in Finance, Masood brings budgeting and project management to our table. As Head of Operations for a global supply chain company in Libertyville, Masood hopes to keep our HOA assessments low while delivering much needed maintenance to the many facets of our community. 
Bradley Aubel - A 20-year resident of Independence Square, Brad shares the concerns of many regarding the deteriorating external maintenance of our buildings, the sub-par work being done by our landscapers in recent years, and the lack of communication with our board of directors. Putting the homeowner's first, demanding a better accountability of our HOA fees and bringing up our property values are his top priorities. 
Pam Kollar – A 16-year resident in NCT#3 and 25-year resident in NCT overall, Pam’s strengths are being responsible, adaptable, and ethical with a positive attitude and a desire for information. Her 16-year career in the Pharmaceutical industry has focused on administrative and logistics, and most recently being responsible for regulatory documentation, so she’s great with details. Her goal is to preserve and increase the value of our homes and make Independence Square a great place to live.

Serving on the Board of Directors offers the opportunity to contribute to the decision-making procedures that allow Association business to run smoothly. Please join us to make Independence Square the great neighborhood it once was.

As a property owner, your investment is at stake. 
Remember to vote!

These Candidates are Committed to Working for YOU!
Please help them by casting YOUR votes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in NCT3 and am glad people are finally doing something. I will be voting.